The true story of Trusty
Most stories can be poured in a cocktail mixer.
1/3 myth, 1/3 legend, 1/3 reality.
And a zest of lemon.
Shake. Shake. Shake.
And this one is no exception.
Shake. Shake. Shake.
Myth, legend, and reality blend into eachother.
However this is not how it happened.
Trusty didn't exterminate the dinosaurs.
Sure, there was an explosion.
But not like this. It was more of a spark. -
Trusty was born out of two computers that blew a "fuse" when they met each other.
The father is an old IBM Mainframe from 1981.
The mother is a first generation Apple Lisa.
It was love at first e-mail.
Trusty was born 2 e-mails later.
Very early, it showed interest in answering all type of questions.
It was good at remembering long strings of numbers. -
And names. Trusty was the best at it. It could always remember a name.
Localhost -
Good grades got him accepted in the prestigious NSU
(Name server University) -
But it dropped out in the second semester to follow his dream.
Trusty started working from its parent's garage...
... answering DNS queries.
He put his heart and sweat to be the fastest one. But his business idea didn't take off.
People preferred big companies.
How could they trust this little guy to resolve their business websites? -
Trusty persevered.
It even competed on National television.
The show was called "Who's faster anyway?"
Let's just say it didn't become rich and famous after it was all done.
Back to the garage. Started back from zero.
Trusty had a breakthrough.
What if answering fast to a DNS query wasn't the most important thing for a customer?
What were the pains of managing a domain?
Could they be removed?
Can it all be done differently?
There are a lot of pains to remove from domain management.
And Trusty's friends agreed with that vision.
It started working day and night.
Word got around and Trusty's little company started to see more traffic.
But despite growth, Trusty kept it simple.
Today, with a team of name servers around the world, Trusty answers DNS queries like no one else.
If you are looking for an easy way to manage your domain, Trusty has one answer for you...
A pinch of myth, half sliced legend, and 100% reality.